4 Simple Methods To Find HP Laptop Serial Number In Windows 10 (Let’s Figure It Out)

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You have been using your current laptop for quite a while now, and still don’t know its serial number? No worries, it happens especially if you’re someone like me. Anyways today I’m going to help you out in knowing the serial number of your HP laptop so that next time when someone asks you about the S/N of your laptop, you must not be feeling embarrassed.

To know your Hp laptop’s serial number you just need to check the battery because in most cases HP laptops have their serial number written on their batteries.

However, if this doesn’t work for you then I’ve mentioned other methods below that will surely help you in knowing your laptop’s serial number so just scroll down.

Serial Number

The serial number is the identity of any laptop. There are many models of laptops, and each model has a unique serial number. It is a string of alphanumeric characters that is different for every laptop. Laptops may have the same model and product numbers but serial numbers are always different. 

Serial key Importance

The serial key is essential and plays a significant role in security. The serial number of any laptop is specific to that particular laptop just like the number plate of any vehicle. In case of any robbery or theft, one can inform the police about the serial number of the laptop as it’s going to help a lot in the investigation and recovering one’s laptop from the culprit. 

4 Methods To know The HP Laptop Serial Number in Windows 10

There are many methods to find the serial number on HP laptops and the easiest ways are mentioned below. 

Method 1. Check HP Serial Number Using Command Prompt

There are many methods to find the serial number of the hp laptop and one of them is by using the command prompt. It is the easiest method and provides quick results too.

  1. Click on the start button and search “command prompt”.
  2. In the command prompt, type “wmic bios get the serial number” and press Enter.
  3. That’s it now you can see the laptop’s serial number on the screen.

If the serial number does not pop up, laptop manufacturers have not mentioned it in the system. So check Method 2 in that case.

Method 2. Find Serial Number In BIOS In Windows 10

In this method, you can find the serial number in the BIOS settings.

  1. Restart the laptop.
  2. While the manufacturer logo appears you have to press the “F10” key to open the BIOS settings.
  3. Now in the Main menu tab search for the serial number, it should be there. If you can’t find the serial number in the Main tab, it can be in the System tab.
  4. In the system tab, search for the serial number and here you go, now you can see the S/N and note that down.

Method 3 Check Serial Number Under The Battery

Some laptops have stickers on their back with serial numbers, model numbers, and product numbers printed on them. Flip the laptop and place it on a safe surface. There will be a sticker with the information on it. 

If you can’t find it on the sticker, then it will be on the battery. Most laptops nowadays come with a removable battery. If the battery is not removable then you can simply remove the screws of the battery and detach it to see the serial number that is written over it.

Method 4. Find Serial Number Using HP Support Assistant

Laptop companies provide their assistance to the user with any problem. HP has an HP support Assistant. It provides information about anything like the product, its model number, serial number, warranty check, or information about the software or new updates, and any information about the device is available on it. So, if one wants to know the laptop’s serial number, follow these steps.

  1. Download and install HP support assistant.
  2. When the installation is finished, open the app.
  3. Select the tab “my devices.”
  4. All information about the device is available there including serial number, device name, and product number. You can easily find the serial number in the HP support assistant. 

Method To Check Warranty Of Your HP Laptop

When buying a laptop, one of the main factors that come to mind is the warranty, how good the warranty system is or how much warranty is given, etc. HP laptops come with a great warranty system. 

If you want to check the HP laptop warranty in Windows 10, the HP support assistant can easily do it for you. Follow these steps to check the warranty of your laptop.

  1. Download and install HP Support Assistant.
  2. Open HP Support Assistant.
  3. When the app is opened click on the warranty tab.
  4. Then it will show if the laptop has more warranty or not, or if the contract is no longer in condition.

Check out our Best Laptops For Zoom


There are many manufacturers of laptops. And each laptop is somehow similar to the other so each of these is given a different serial number so that one can quickly check the information about the laptop. You can check the serial number of the laptop by using the HP support assistant and command prompt too.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

  1. What is a serial number?

    The serial number is the identity of any product, whether it is a laptop or pc. You can check information about the product by knowing the serial number.

  2. Can you look up a product by serial number?

    Yes, you can in most cases. For looking up a product by serial number just visit the producer’s site and check whether there is a method for doing an S/N number search or not.

  3. How to check serial numbers?

    There are many ways to check the serial number. One of the easiest ways is by command prompt. Search for the serial number in the command prompt and it should be displayed.

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Anthony Mark

Anthony Mark

I am Anthony Mark, and I work in IT support as a Computer Hardware Technician. I am interested in problem-solving all issues related to computer hardware and software through stepwise guides. I hope one day my guide helps you with your computer issue. Adios!